Our Charity Partnership
Did you know that your purchase of tokens to use on the fairground rides, attractions and casino helps us to support our chosen charity, the ‘Bodie Hodges Foundation’?
The Bodie Hodges Foundation works to help families bereaved of a child by providing a range of services to support grieving families and encourage them to rebuild and remember.
To date, our donations have helped to fund a new bereavement counsellor to develop the peer support groups they offer to adults and children. With the addition of this new role, they now have four employed counsellors, two associate counsellors and one student supporting their early therapeutic bereavement services.
Last year the foundation delivered…
- 750 1-1 bereavement sessions to parents, children, and young people
- 216 Treasured Memory Bags were sent to bereaved siblings across the UK
- 24 Together Project groups were run, which is our youth group for bereaved siblings. This year we ran two new cohorts for 11–16-year-olds
- 12 Creative Grief workshops for bereaved Mums
- 11 Chips and Chat groups for bereaved Dads
- 2 activity and relax groups were held during the summer holidays for younger siblings.
The demand for bereavement services provided by the Bodie Hodges Foundation grows week on week. They rely upon donations to provide their services free of charge to ensure no family is left to grieve alone.
As well as purchasing tokens to enjoy the after-dinner activities at our events, you can support the great work that the Bodie Hodges Foundation do in a range of ways including – find out more on their website Bodie Hodges Foundation – Helping Families Bereaved of A Child
They also have a variety of worksheets available to download if you would like to find out more about how to support friends and family after the death of their child, find out more here: Grief Resources – Bodie Hodges Foundation